Household Security During Vacations
To fully enjoy your summer vacation, take appropriate precautions to ensure that home security features are in place in advance of your departure.
Consider the following suggestions:
A) Ensure that doors and windows cannot be easily compromised using basic burglary tools by installing secondary locks such as deadbolts and bars, as well as a reliable monitoring system that will alert your smartphone, a neighbour, or your local enforcement agency should a compromise occur.
B) Check that your lighting systems are intact, by verifying that your interior and exterior timers and motion detectors are fully operational, and ensuring older bulbs are replaced.
C) Trim bushes back to prevent concealing exterior access points, lock up or store ladders, and make sure mail and parcel deliveries are suspended (but don’t cancel your scheduled pool or landscape maintenance program).
D) Have a neighbour park a car in your driveway, and look in on your property including inside your garage on a regular basis.
Have a wonderful vacation!